January 27, 2013

Sunday FUNday

We've been busy this Sunday.  Rick & Spencer went "manly shopping".  This is something BIG to Spencer and it's only him and his daddy going to "manly" stores...i.e. Lowes, Gander, Sears, etc.  Rick has been doing this with him for awhile & it's precious to hear about their excursions.  And, Rick is so good to send me pictures while they're gone. :)

Ready to go!

Riding lawn mowers are a must!

Gander...his favorite store.

Spencer has a love for bow and arrows (thanks to Hawkeye) and he usually ends up shooting so many arrow that they break.  Well, dad got him a heavy duty bow and he loves it!  The goggles were another purchase today.  Spencer says they are his Wobble Gobbles (like Scott on the Imagination Movers).

And, I had  my little helper make a trip to the grocery store with me.

Busy afternoon & love it!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh how sweet, manly shopping! what a good daddy!
