Although this made for the greatest Christmas card ever, we don't want Spencer to be scared of Santa and so saying that, me being apprehensive taking him this year was an understatement. We talked about Santa Claus A LOT on the days leading up to the "event". He told us he was going to sit on his lap and everything. Whew! That was easy...not so much! We get there and his buddy Landon (about the same age Spencer was last year) went first and I'm pretty certain they got a picture quite similar to the one above. Spencer immediately started saying, "No Santa Claus, no Santa Claus!" Great! So, I look over and see his other friend Cash in line that is 6 months older than him. Perfect! Cash didn't cry and I made sure Spencer saw that, so we got in line. Well, long story short, he stood next to him and just smiled away. He wouldn't dare sit in his lap, but it's progress and I know it's going to be a cute, cute, cute picture!
All in all is was a great time with Angie and Landon. We shopped and shopped and shopped in the massive crowds with our strollers and everything. Then we took the boys to "Lunch with Santa" where Chick Fil A catered and Mrs. Claus read a story to the kids. I didn't take a lot of pictures, but these are the ones that I did...
Don't they look thrilled??
Chick Fil A and candy canes at Lunch With Santa
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are off to Tyler until Sunday and I CANNOT wait!!!

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