It seems like every weekend Spencer has a birthday party to go to. So many of his friends have birthdays in May and June. We've had the best time at each of them and now we're gearing up for his birthday party in less than two weeks.
Last weekend we went to Emie's birthday party. Emie and Spencer have been friends forever and I can remember when these two could barely walk. Emie is just precious and we're so lucky Spencer has her as a friend. On a side note, these two like to hold hands...A LOT. Ha!
Then we had Spencer's best guy friend's birthday party yesterday. Hudson and Spencer are two peas in a pod...which is scary sometimes! Hudson had a fireman birthday party. A retired couple here purchased an old firetruck and they do parties for kids. The birthday boy/girl gets a ride in the firetruck. The let them shoot water from the hose, play tug of war with a fire hose and pin the tail on the Dalmatian. It was so much fun and these kids played so hard. Spencer was dripping in sweat when we left!
Now onto Spencer's party in two weeks. I'm so excited to show you all the fun things we're doing. Just for a hint...bring your tools and be ready to build something!!

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