I have tons of stuff to post because I have been holding off until I get this new lay out, so watch out. Also, I'm going back to the recipe of the week because we finally have appliances and I can cook again!!!
Spencer has been just been growing like a weed. He is pretty much potty trained and that took place in one weekend...not.kidding.one.bit! He does major milestones on his own, but definitely in his own time. Getting rid of the bottle was nothing. He just quit taking it one night. Switching him to his bed with rails was nothing. He just did it. Same thing with potty training. Now, only if the paci could go that easy. I just don't think that's happening. We are also toying with the idea of switching him to his big boy bed. His crib goes down into a full bed. We're having some sleep issues, so we're thinking this might help him.
Here are some videos of the past couple of weeks. Rick taught Spencer how to motion "I love you" and it's the sweetest thing ever. He almost always does it when you're not expecting it.
And we still love our guitars...

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