Saturday - Chicken and Spinach bake
Sunday breakfast - Cheesey bacon biscuits
Sunday dinner - Starbucks roasted tomato & mozzarella panini (we're going to try to re-create our favorite sandwich from there)
Monday - Rick's birthday!!!! Meeting up with him after work at our favorite pub and then ordering in so we can just chill (his choice & I love it!)
Tuesday - Grilled chicken salads
Wednesdsay - Fish tacos
Thursday - Taking Rudy's over to Zach's so we can see his new place.
Friday - Grilled brats (for Rick) & hot dogs (for Spencer & I)
Made coconut macaroons for the first time yesterday. They are Rick's favorite cookie, but they have always scared me for some reason. I trusted good 'ole Ina from the Food Network. Of course, they didn't look as good as her's, but they were really good. I've got to figure out something to keep them from "running" or "pooling" around the edges. Any suggestions??

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