We were blessed with such great teachers this year. Spencer leaves this room knowing how to write his name, pick words and tell you what letter they start with, knows about 6 colors in Spanish and tons of other things. The friends he's made in this class are so special. He's really blossomed and made really good friends. As he moves to the "big boy" room next week, none of his friends from this class will be in his new class. I'm not sure he's ready for that, but he does know some of the kids in his new class.
Their last week they got to do special things every day with a luau party on Friday.
Monday was hat day...tough cowboy, huh?
Tuesday was crazy hair day.
Wednesday was pink day (their last color to review).
Thursday was superhero day and Spencer could hardly wait for this day so he could wear his cape to school.
Spencer's teachers who were awesome!!!
Jade, Tyler & Kaile
Spencer & Kaile
Kaile babysits for us and we just love her!
Spencer & Braylee
Cash, Korbin, Spencer & Cooper
Korbin & Spencer being silly!

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