I do travel some throughout the year and people always ask me, "How does Rick handle that?" It's almost like men can't handle children without their mom there. Odd I tell you. Rick is fabulous and I never worry about a thing (another thing I get asked). However, I do lay all of Spencer's clothes out before I leave. ;) One of my favorite things that Rick does when I'm gone is send me countless pictures of Spencer. It sure warms my heart. This was the first time Spencer had flown on an airplane (that he could remember...he flew at 3 months old), so excitement was building all week. He LOVED it!
1. Glow sticks in the bathtub
2. Our friends dropped off a birthday present
3. Having breakfast with Daddy at Chick Fil A before school
4. Eating a sandwich in the airport
5. Checking things out
6. Playing with Dad's Nook on the plane
While they were waiting on me to get out of my conference on Friday, they needed something to do for about 3 hours. Legoland was very close and thought they would just go there. Uh no. They spent TWO AND A HALF HOURS in Toys R Us RIDING BIKES! I mean, hilairous! Spencer is getting a bike this week for his birthday and so Rick let him try it out. Thank goodness they didn't get kicked out!
1. Eating breakfast on Friday at his favorite place, Chick Fil A
2. Sliding at Chick Fil A
3. The fountains outside our hotel
4. "Driving" at Toys R Us
5. Oh Angry Birds...
6. Let's hope he is always in the driver seat of the police vehicle
7. Ready to ride!
8. Probably my favorite one of them all...he's the black speck at the end about to take off on the bike. Did you notice they are in the BABY section of Toys R Us. Sure the employees loved that one.
9. Tony Hawk :)
We had a great time at Rick's mom's and we got to spend Spencer's birthday there. I didn't take near enough picutres though. Oh well, we're going back in 3 weeks. Excuse the fact that everyone looks like they have a serious spray tan. I couldn't figure out why my phone was doing that and finally looked at the settings and the contrast was set as high as it would go. I'm pretty sure a certain 4 year old can be held responsible for that one. ;)
1. Jean & Spencer ready to go out for Spencer's birthday dinner.
2. Birthday breakfast - eating the best fried pies on the PLANET!
3. Handsome!
And this is most definetly one of my favorite pictures EVER! Spencer is so blessed to have such a wonderful aunt and uncle!!
We had such a great time and will be going back in 3 weeks!

Your little guy is adorable!! Megan
Thank you Megan! Thanks for stopping by! :)
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