Wednesday we went to the Science Spectrum with our sweet friends, the Graves. We've known them for forever & they live down the street from us. Erica and I work at the same school and Greg and Rick work together. And to boot, Cash & Livi go to school with Spencer. I've talked about this before on here and I'm just realizing this as I'm typing it. ;)
A milk snake!
The money pit...haha..."Can I have some more money?"
On Thursday, we met Emie, her brother and mom to go see the Lorax in 3D. This was Spencer's second movie and first 3D. He wanted to take his glasses off a lot, but otherwise did great. I wish I would've gotten a picture of these cute things in the theater. They were so much fun and we have such a great time when we get together!
Spencer, Cooper & Emie
I'm sooooooo ready for summer! This week has given me a "taste" of what summer is going to be and I don't think I can wait!!

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