Yowsers is all I can say! I will be making these on the weekend!
Or should I make these??
I also thought this was a good idea because I can so see Spencer riding his bike with all his action figures in one hand and trying to steer with the other! He already does this while riding his firetruck at home and usually ends up putting some of the things in his mouth to free up his hands! HA!
They didn't put this one online, so I'll do my best to explain it. It's just a Bike Tube made out of a Pringle's can. The can is covered with contact paper of your choice (or your kiddo's choice).
For the straps to attach it to the handle bars of the bike, use Velcro One-Wrap. Insert a paper fastener (metal brad) through each strap and into the can, then open the arms (ends of the fasteners) and secure them inside the can with duct tape. Wrap the straps around the handlebars and WALL-AAA your kiddo will have a compartment to store their ever so important stuff while riding their bike!
Here's the page scanned out of the magazine so you can better visualize it:

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