...end of the summer, that is. It's never hit me this hard. I'm not ready to start school Monday and I don't see that changing anytime this weekend. I do know that it will change with time and I'll be in full school mode, but I just can't make myself get ready. I've never been like this in my 10 years of teaching. I am by no means a stay-at-home mom, nor do I want to be one, but I need a little extension of my summer. I love teaching and I will always work doing something with education. I'm fortunate to have a great job that I do have summers off, but that's just it. I didn't have a complete summer off (because of things I agreed to do). I told Rick to not let me do that again next summer. I really think he'll hold me to that. I love getting to see Rick in the middle of the day when he comes home from work. I love doing fun things with Spencer that he didn't like to do last summer, like swimming.
Something that I've started to
HATE here lately is waking Spencer up so he can scarf down breakfast and get ready to go to school. Walking in his room seeing him sleeping like an angel is so nice. Last year at this time, he woke up around 6 and that was pretty good for us. This morning really pulled on my heart strings because he decided he was going to sit up in our bed and watch Mickey Mouse (like he usually does in the morning, but in the the living room). Then I hear him hollering for his Daddy and Rick went in there and when he came back to the kitchen I asked him what he wanted. Rick said he wanted our pillows behind his back so he could kick back and lounge while watching Mickey and eating his pop tart. This is what it looked like when I peeked in...
Oh how I love that sweet, little boy! Happy Friday everyone!
You do such a great job with your blog! I love the recipes and cute stories. I hope school goes well for you :)
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