This is what we've been up to lately...
Swimming, swimming and more swimming! Spencer is almost to the point that he has no interest in the kiddie pool. He loves the big pool! We are going to try to get in as much swimming as we can before it starts cooling off.
Exhausted after a long day swimming...
Birthday parties for sweet friends...
And LOVING bath time!! Spencer has FINALLY gotten used to the big bath and cannot get enough of it. He starts asking to take a bath at 7:00!! Mind you, he doesn't go to bed until about 9:00 or 9:30, so that's a little early.
And a sweet picture to end this post...
We were getting ready this morning to go to school (Spencer's) and Spencer had his beloved dinosaur with him while I was changing his clothes. We got down from the changing table and I told him to put the dinosaur up so we could go and he said, "pillow, sleeping, shhhhhhhh!" (and put his finger over his lips while he was saying shhhhhhhh) Then he laid the dinosaur on the pillow. Does it get any sweeter than that??

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