At our house, we have a sudden infatuation with this guy...
Spencer has been talking about Elmo a lot at home and we just couldn't figure out why because we have nothing in this house with Elmo on it other than a play cell phone (that I don't even think he knows that Elmo is on there). We did watch Sesame Street while in Austin because that was the only kid show on in the mornings and he started the Elmo thing with that. And come to find out, they have a 30 minute video time at the end of the day at school and they watch Sesame Street sometimes and that's where he got it from. He saw a little boy walking out of day care the other day with an Elmo backpack on and he went nuts. He ran up to the kid and was pointing at the backpack saying, "Elmo! Elmo!" So, I looked up Sesame Street on cable to see what time it comes on. It's an hour long!! I didn't know that. I don't remember sitting in front of the TV for an hour to watch that growing up. So, now we DVR it and guess how many times we watched "Elmo's World" yesterday? That would be three times back to Spencer's request.
For some reason I was glad that Spencer didn't like Elmo because he seems kinda dumb to me. Not so much any more, I guess. So, I'm on the lookout for cute Elmo stuff (not clothes)...and it has to be SUPER cute for me to even think about buying it...

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